For our first bird walk of the year, Pete had organised a really nice sunny day, we started at the car park feeders. ….. next on to the bird feeder screenwe saw, goldfinch…… great tits,…… long tailed tits.robin, we also saw pheasant, magpie, chaffinch, dunnock and tree sparrow amongst others.We ventured on to the lake …….…. out for a Sunday morning swim were goldeneye, ………… wigeon flew in …..….. and goosander.A juvenile great crested grebe cruised by.Over to the main hide from where we a newly arrived oyster catcher.There was great excitement when Pete spotted a banacle goose, a first at Anglers Park.This is a juvenile great black backed gull, look at the size of it next to the lapwig – a very big bird.Another exciting spot was a single pink footed goose amonst a flock of canada geese.Grey heron